Want a life without burnout? Come work with me

If you are a physician in academic practice and tired of feeling burned out and powerless about your job, this is the place for you! Coaching teaches you how to control the way you experience the world. No one else is going to make you feel better - only YOU can create that, and I can teach you how.

Why coaching?
I used to think stress, overwhelm, and burnout were just part of the job - isn’t being a doctor supposed to be hard? Then I learned about coaching. Getting coached taught me that I create my experience of life, both at work and at home. I learned to take responsibility and control over my thoughts and emotions. The personal growth I gained was so powerful, I became a life coach myself. I can’t wait to share these skills with you!

There are plenty of coaches out there - why work with me?

  • I only do 1:1 sessions. You know who your coach will be every time you book an appointment. No last minute surprises, no getting to know a different coach every time.

  • No group sessions means your discussions are 100% confidential - no worries about who might overhear what, because you only work with me.

  • Just like you, I am a doctor in active clinical practice. I know what it’s like. I have had similar experiences to many of you.

  • I offer a variety of packages. You can sign up for as many or as few sessions as you like - no mandatory long-term memberships.

In my coaching we work hard and we get results. I promise, it’s worth it. Are you ready to schedule a free consultation? Click the button below and let’s get to work!

Coaching is not a substitute for medical care. If you are experiencing depression or other serious mental health conditions, please contact a professional mental/behavioral health specialist.